How Do Lobsters Grow?

I cam across an article "How Do Lobsters Grow?" Lobsters are soft animals that live inside a rigid, inflexible shell. How can they grow? As a lobster grows, the rigid shell becomes very confining, and it feels oppressed. The lobster then hides under a rock formation to protect it from predatory fish and sheds its shell. It then produces a larger, more spacious shell in which it feels comfortable. However, as the lobster grows, this new shell eventually becomes too confining and oppressive, so the lobster repeats the process. Off with the restricting shell, producing a more spacious one. This process is repeated until the lobster reaches its maximum size. The lesson is that it is the discomfort that causes the lobster to shed the oppressive shell and allows it to grow. Just think what would happen if a lobster had access to a doctor! It would complain of discomfort and get a pill to relieve it. With the discomfort gone, the lobster would never shed its shell and would not grow, dying as a tiny lobster! Growth isn't possible without pressure and painful discomfort. It may not always be pleasant, but it's necessary if we are to improve. Continue to challenge yourself to push harder, experiment more, keep what works, and drop what doesn't. If you were disappointed by one of your scores, embrace it as an opportunity to grow. Ask yourself ow this newfound knowledge can help you improve and master your skills. Question how you can manage those vulnerabilities and weaknesses and maybe even turn them into strengths temporarily. The reason we say "temporarily" is that we believe you are who you are. Can you change? Absolutely. But, in the beginning, it will be short term. Statistically speaking, you will eventually migrate back to being the person you are at your core, and that is perfectly fine because your score is based on learned skill sets, or presentation habits, if you will. Just as you can break a bad habit, you can also grow in a quadrant if you are willing to make a proactive change. If you want to improve a quadrant score for a certain big talk or important keynote, you can do it, temporarily. Long-lasting growth takes persistent and sustained practice. If you want to work on three or four quadrants, that can be done as well. It will just take a bigger intervention.